I get lots of email, this is an opportunity I would like to pass on to you if you are an artist who is interested…
Hello Mat,
My name is Barbara Lee and I am the media specialist at California Community Foundation (CCF), the public foundation for Los Angeles County since 1915.
I wanted to introduce myself and share news that the CCF Fellowship for Visual Artists is now taking applications for 2012. As an important member of the arts and media community, I wanted to share news of this opportunity for you, your friends, and others who may be interested.
The fellowship is a unique investment in both the artistic and business development of emerging and mid-career artists in Los Angeles. We’ve distributed nearly $2 million in $15,000 – $20,000 grants to hundreds of artists since its establishment in 1988.
More information on the fellowship and former fellows can be found at www.calfund.org/artistgallery. Please let me know if you have any questions and are interested in being notified when the 2012 fellows are announced this July.
Thanks and a happy new year!