Art World Power 100 Bullshit

> Entrants on the Power 100 list are judged on the following four criteria, each of which carries a 25 percent weighting.

Painter Brian Tydings sent me a list from one of those desperate -for-attention art magazines on how they calculate one of those bullshit “Art World Power 100” lists that are always a combo of stroking and sucking up. So I gave my responses after each one of their ridiculous “assessments”…

> 1. Genuine influence over the production of art: entrants must exert influence over the type, style and shape of contemporary art being produced in the previous 12 months.
1. how much of a heartless bastard in the name of your own egomania can you be?

> 2. Influence on an international scale: as the list is international, entrants must exert influence on a global scale rather than as big fish in small-to-medium ponds.
2. let’s keep pretending shit-holes like Lower Slobovia are the equal of the united States or we “euro/cosmo-asia” types will be rendered inconsequential.

> 3. Financial clout: entrants are judged on the extent to which they have shaped, moulded or dominated the art market, whether as artists, dealers or collectors.
3. How many slum hotels, sweatshops and investement pyramid schemes do your mom and dad send money to your trust fund from?

> 4. Activity within the last 12 months: entrants are judged on having actually done something during the period September 2007 to August 2008. It’s not enough to sit on your powerful behind.
4. Did you buy an ad in our rag?