Meat is Murder and Delicious.

roast pig So the Cuban restaurant next door to my house has been a smashing success.

Today they roasted a whole pig.

The place was jammed, I assume they let their friends know.

I was likely the only native English speaker and the rhythm of the cuban accents in conversation was noticeably alive. I am used to being the only gringo in my neighborhood wherever I go but the Mexican busboy looked tentative and nervous at making a wrong move in clearing a table or moving a plate.

With the word out among the Cuban community the whole of the pig save his head and feet were gone in about an hour.

I ordered a plate of Lechon … that is the roasted pig!

It was astoundingly delicious.

There are just no great restaurants in South Central / Huntington Park and the closest good place is Little Tokyo. This restaurant has had many tenants and they have all been terrible save for one sandwich shop in 1991 – 96 called “Connie’s Cafe” … I ate there many times when I was a drunk as I lived in this neighborhood then. But the new place is nice, good food, good portions, good prices. There is the occasional inconsistency that comes with mom and pop places, especially in their first weeks of business, and they are slow – especially when slammed, but a lot of that is because of using fresh ingredients, but it has been a long time waiting for a good restaurant nearby and to have it next door is a dream come true.