So my nephew proposed to his girlfriend on the Golden Gate Bridge. She accepted. She is the infamous “Trivia Ringer” (See My Blog Nov. 27, 2004)brought in to defeat me at the annual family versus me trivia contest.
Since she soon will be family, I guess it will be a tougher contest each holiday.
The heatwave is officially rotten. I was in the sun today for about ten seconds and had a panic attack that I might be scorched into ash if I did not run for the shade. Scary.
So I got another niece who is getting married in October, this nephew just announced and a new niece and two new nephews as of last Monday. Not that I am a real family type guy or anything, I mean, for example, my girlfriend’s birthday is in May, and we just went by my mom’s pad this week to pick up the presents people got her. Do the math there. Speaking of moms and the girlfriend, there was a black and white photograph of this absolute babe on the beach on my girlfriend’s kitchen table and I voiced my approval of it – sure enough, it is Shirley, my girlfriend’s mom.
If I can snag it, I will scan it and post it and you will agree… Until then, stay cool!