The Death of Mystique – Cal Arts (one of many mediocre diploma mills) Exposed

So now Cal Arts has its MFA program work on the web.
You can browse the output of the student populace.

So now every artist can see the latest developments and rip them off without ever even paying the school a visit.

Here come the kids in the cheaper State schools. Here come the housewives, hobbyists and dabblers.

Theorize the shit out of it now kids, because it is straight to Laguna with the cutting edge for the web-surfing mass-producers!

If it is hip and googleable, they will find it and underprice it, and probably out-network your pretend-to-be-jaded ass as well.

Most of the work is admittedly, exactly like what these schools have been churning out for a while, maybe even two decades.
But the sheen is gone, the bloom is off the rose, the sizzle subsides to reveal not much of a steak.

Basically – these overpriced institutions mimic summer camps and produce mediocre art.
They have no demonstrable contribution to increasing the quality of art.

And the proof may have been buried deep in the pudding for sometime, but now it is (yawn) in the website.